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ERN-EuroBloodNet - European Reference Network for Rare Hematological Diseases

The ERN EuroBloodNet includes rare haematological diseases which are rare non-oncological haematological diseases of the pediatric and adult age, and oncological diseases of the adult age. These hematologic diseases include disorders affecting the hematopoietic cells of the blood and bone marrow, lymphatic organs, and factors involved in regulating coagulation. Most of these disorders are rare. They can be divided into six categories: rare red blood cell disorders, bone marrow failure, rare coagulation disorders, hemochromatosis and other rare genetic conditions of iron metabolism, myeloid malignancies, and lymphatic tissue malignancies.
The diagnosis of rare blood diseases requires considerable clinical experience and the possibility of accessing a wide range of laboratory and instrumental investigations. These investigations make it possible to classify these diseases in a precise manner according to the criteria of the World Health Organization and using international scores and, where possible, inclusive of biomarkers.
Given these assumptions and considering that some rare blood disorders are very rare, correct diagnosis is often overlooked or delayed, particularly in elderly patients. Treatment is also often difficult due to the need for infrastructural elements, dedicated multi-specialist teams and the difficulty of having access to specific treatments such as haematopoietic stem cell transplantation or the administration of coagulation factors. In some European countries effective programs have already been implemented for the early diagnosis of some rare blood disorders. However much still needs to be done to homogenize screening procedures.
EuroBloodNet, leveraging on the experience gained thanks to the European Network funded by the European Union on Rare and Congenital Anemias (ENERCA) and the European Hematology Association (EHA), aims to improve access to care systems for patients affected by rare hematological diseases, to develop guidelines and best practices, to improve training and knowledge sharing opportunities, to offer clinical suggestions where experiences in the sector are not so strong and finally to increase the number of clinical trials in this field of medicine.

Related Structures

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UOC Ematologia
UOC Medicina Generale
UOC Clinica di Oncoematologia Pediatrica
UOC Immunotrasfusionale
UOSD Malattie Trombotiche ed Emorragiche

Desease list

Code ORPHACode ERNDenomination
RDG051Other congenital neutropenias
RDG010Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias
RD0020Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Erythorcytosis-Oxygen sensing pathway mutations
RDG040Primary Hereditary Thrombocytopenias
 ORPHA:232RDG010Sickle Cell Disease (HbSS)
ORPHA 86872T cell Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia
ORPHA:124RDG010Blackfand-Diamond Anemia
ORPHA:158778Mastocytosis of the Bone Marrow
ORPHA:164823RD0070Acquired Aplastic Anemias
ORPHA:228423Monocytopenia with susceptibility to infections
ORPHA:231214RDG010Thalassemia Major
ORPHA:231222RDG010Thalassemia Intermedia
ORPHA:238557Chubash Erythrocytosis
ORPHA:2467RD0081Systemic Mastocytosis
ORPHA:251355RDG010Sickle Cell Disease (HbSBetathal)
ORPHA:251355RDG010Sickle Cell Disease (HbSC, HbSE, HbSOArab, HbSDPunjab; other double etherozygous)
ORPHA:2686RDG051Cyclic Neutropenia
ORPHA:288RDG010Hereditary Ellipsocytosis
ORPHA:325RDG020Factor II deficiency
ORPHA:325RDG020Prothrombin Mutation
ORPHA:326RDG020Factor V deficiency
ORPHA:327RDG020Factor VII deficiency
ORPHA:328RDG020Factor X deficiency
ORPHA:329RDG020Factor XI deficiency
ORPHA:330RDG020Factor XII deficiency
ORPHA:331RDG020Factor XIII deficiency
ORPHA:3318RDG050Essential Thrombocytopenia- Myelodisplastic Syndromes
ORPHA:335RDG020Fibrinogen deficiency
ORPHA:371 RDG010Phosphofructokinase Deficiency
ORPHA:486RDG051Severe congenital neutropenia autosomal dominant
ORPHA:729RDG050Polycythemia Vera- Myelodisplastic Syndromes
ORPHA:743RDG020Protein S deficiency
ORPHA:745RDG020Protein C deficiency
ORPHA:766RDG010Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
ORPHA:811RD0080Shwachman Diamond Syndrome
ORPHA:82RDG020Antithrombin deficiecy
ORPHA:822RDG010Hereditary Spherocytosis
ORPHA:824  Myelofibrosis
ORPHA:84RDG010Fanconi Anemia
ORPHA:90042 Erythrocitosis-EPO-R-Mutations
ORPHA:903RDG020von Willebrand Factor disease
ORPHA:98364RDG010Other diseases due to Membrane Defects
ORPHA:98365RDG010Hereditary Stomatocytosis
ORPHA:98369 RDG010Other Enzymopathies
ORPHA:98849RD0081Systemic Mastocytosis with clonal hemopathy
ORPHA:98878RDG020Haemophilia A
ORPHA:98879RDG020Haemophilia B