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TransplantChild - European Reference Network on Pediatric Transplantation

Paediatric transplantation (PT), both solid organ (SOT) and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), is the only curative procedure for several rare diseases. Optimal post-transplant care requires the concerted efforts of a multidisciplinary team. After transplantation, patients face chronic immunosuppression to avoid rejection. This requires monitoring for post-transplant complications to extend lifespans and improve quality of life. ERN TRANSPLANT-CHILD brings together experts in PT and post-transplantation care to improve outcomes for children and their families.
ERN TRANSPLANT-CHILD brings together experts in PT and post-transplantation care to improve outcomes for children and their families.
The network aims to reduce hospitalisation time and the use of complex and long-lasting treatments. It is working to improve psychological support services as children transition to adulthood. TRANSPLANT-CHILD aims to make available the latest techniques andmedical, pharmacological and therapeutic advances.
Members are also facilitating the dissemination of harmonised clinical practice guidelines and the development of personalised medicine in PT. 
TRANSPLANT-CHILD seeks to reduce the costs associated with transplantation — such as re-transplantation and pharmacological treatments — and is harmonising the PT care to minimise the risks of post-transplantation complications. 
Together, Europe’s leadingexperts are working to reduce mortality and morbidity related to transplantation in children.


Related Structures

UOC Clinica Pediatrica
UOC Chirurgia Generale 3
UOC Anatomia Patologica 2
UOC Radiologia
UOC Cardiochirurgia
UOC Cardiochirurgia Pediatrica
UOC Chirurgia Toracica
UOC Clinica di Oncoematologia Pediatrica
UOC Chirurgia Pediatrica
UOC Cardiologia Pediatrica
UOC Nefrologia Pediatrica
UOC Fisiopatologia Respiratoria
UOC Pneumologia

Desease list

Code ORPHACode ERNDenomination
ORPHA:306644Paediatric heart transplantation, pre and post-transplantation
ORPHA:306644Trapianto Pediatrico di Fegato, pre e post trapianto
ORPHA:306644Trapianto pediatrico di Polmone, pre e post trapianto
ORPHA:306644Paediatric kidney transplantation, pre and post-transplantation
ORPHA:90053Paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, pre and post-transplantation