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TransplantChild - European Reference Network on Pediatric Transplantation

Transplantation of both solid organs and haematopoietic stem cells is the only curative procedure for many rare paediatric diseases.
The care of the transplanted child begins before the transplant itself and requires a multidisciplinary approach, because careful preparation for the transplant and careful subsequent monitoring are necessary to ensure the success of the transplant, avoid complications and improve the quality of life.
The ERN TransplantChild brings together paediatric transplantology experts to improve standards of cure and care for transplanted children and their families.
The aim of the network is to make available the best and most up-to-date transplantation techniques and the latest medical and pharmacological treatments. It also aims to improve patient and family support at all stages of the disease, from pre-transplantation to long-term post-transplant follow-up and transition from paediatric to adulthood.
The members of the network are committed to harmonising and disseminating shared guidelines and developing personalised medicine that takes into account all the needs of the transplanted child and his/her family, not only from a clinical but also from a psychological and social point of view. To this end, TransplantChild seeks the active involvement of patients (individually or through Associations) in the activities and development of the Network.

Information leaflets on kidney transplantation:

Guide on pets for families with immunosuppressed children:

Guide with general recommendations post-paediatric transplantation:

Related Structures

UOC Clinica Pediatrica
UOC Chirurgia Generale 2
UOC Cardiochirurgia
UOC Cardiochirurgia Pediatrica
UOC Chirurgia Toracica
UOC Clinica di Oncoematologia Pediatrica
UOC Chirurgia Pediatrica
UOC Cardiologia Pediatrica
UOC Nefrologia Pediatrica

Desease list

Code ORPHACode ERNDenomination
ORPHA:506210Rare disorder potentially indicated for liver transplant
ORPHA:506213Rare disorder potentially indicated for kidney transplant
ORPHA:506219Rare disorder potentially indicated for hematopoietic stem cell transplant 
ORPHA:506222Rare disorder potentially indicated for lung transplant
ORPHA:506225Rare disorder potentially indicated for heart transplant 
ORPHA:565779Rare disorder potentially indicated for transplant or complication after transplantation